At Cultivate Life Coaching, we rebel against the mediocrity of life by embracing our authentic selves and creating intentional rhythms and routines that feel like home.
At Cultivate Life Coaching, we rebel against the mediocrity of life by embracing our authentic selves and creating intentional rhythms and routines that feel like home.
I believe life coaching is powerful tool which can equip all persons to lead a centered, authentic life that is unique to them and what they are passionate about. This requires intentional decisions and lifestyle changes in all areas of their lives including but not limited to, their mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, environmental, and occupational health.
It is my desire to create an atmosphere where all individuals feel empowered and equipped to embrace intentional rhythms and routines to help propel them towards their life mission and desires.
At Cultivate Life Coaching, I believe this practice is for all persons regardless of your age, gender identity, socioeconomic level, race & ethnicity, sexual orientation, shape, faith background, employment, or experience.
Philosophy about Coaching:
Coaching is based off of the principle that you are the expert at your life. Therefore, the relationship between client and coach is based off of trust, advocacy, and accountability. A coach should not advise, mentor, or tell you what to do. Instead, a coach will ask clarifying questions to help you discover new opportunities to accomplish your goals, keep you on track, and speak words of encouragement.
Philosophy about Education/Knowledge:
At Cultivate Life Coaching, we value education, research, and building knowledge. But we also believe that knowledge alone does not change behavior. If it did, we would all already live the perfect lives. Instead, we believe Knowledge plus Accountability plus a Strategic Plan absolutely has the power to change behavior! And that is exactly what we aim to do!
Philosophy about Life Calling/Purpose:
I do not think there is one exact thing we are supposed to do at one exact moment in time, one person we are supposed to meet, or one track to get on. And I definitely don’t think there is some distant Creator silently judging us for not knowing what to do next. That just feels too hard & too dull. Instead, I believe each of us has deep, deep worth, a unique story to share, and many specific strengths and passions to explore. We get to figure out what those are and how we want to use them in the now. We can lead purposeful lives, fully embracing every part of ourselves while also keeping up with the laundry & the Kardashians. I believe we’re supposed to lead nuanced lives where we shine in our authenticity & strengths, ask hard questions, and grow. That, to me, is our purpose: to find the commonality in all the things that give us life, to capture it, and share it with the world.
Cultivate Life Coaching is committed to empowering women as they cultivate lives that matter.
I believe this is done through:
Living with a Mission
Being Intentional with Finances
Creating Rhythms of Authenticity
Philosophy about a Living with a Mission:
“You don’t fall into a good life at 80, you plan it now.” We need to have visions that are beyond ourselves, so no matter what season we are in, we have something to work towards. For me, this is a lot less to do with what you are doing, and a lot more to do with who you are becoming. Together, we will define the character you want to build, and the big, audacious goal that is beyond yourself. Then, we will talk about how to work towards it every day through intentional rhythms and routines.
Philosophy about Intentional Finances:
Creating healthy mindsets and habits about our finances is one of most important things we can do when cultivating an intentional life. Simply put, we can change the trajectory of our lives if we are purposeful about where and how we spend our money. I see it all the time in my line of work, money is the #1 reason clients feel stuck or cannot proceed in what they want to do. No matter what your current financial situation is, that does not have to be your story. The benefits of having a strong grasp of your financial situation not only provides freedom in your current situation, it also sets you up for future success and wealth. Your money is your voice, and together, we will make sure you are able to use it how you intend.
Philosophy about Rhythms of Authenticity:
Embracing intentional rhythms and routines that feel like home is about making room for yourself again in the midst of everyday life. It’s about delighting in small joys, creating beauty for beauty’s sake, and making sure in each of our moments, we are embodying the person we desire to become.
Creating lifestyle change & behavior modification is so much more than following someone else’s plan or drinking a green drink. Living authentically is finding out what daily rhythms work for you and then putting them into practice. We are increasing your awareness of all the seemingly insignificant yeses and nos you say daily, and over time, creating a life that feels truer, fuller, and more like you. There will be tweaks and missed opportunities along the way. But like any practice, there will be grace, growth, and abundance too.