The Words I Live By
Y’all, I low key love wearing a mask, especially when I’m at the store! I didn’t realize how often I whisper to myself or make faces—and a mask is the perfect way to do that without looking like a fool!
Speaking of talking to myself, I wanted to share a few short lines—mantras if you will—I’ve committed to memory and base my intentions around.
In coaching we can get really creative with ways to help you focus and commit daily to cultivating an authentic life based on your goals and values. But we can’t always take our vision boards or journals or goal planners to the office with us. And pretty soon, our car is going to look like a high schooler’s prank with all the “reminder” post-its we leave for ourselves.
This is where memorization comes in.
Unlike the 14 stanza poem your 8th grade English teacher made you learn, there are some things worth committing to memory.
Maybe it’s a line from a book that made you see your own story on its pages.
Maybe it’s a lyric from a song that brings tears to your eyes each time you hear it.
Maybe it’s a philosopher’s quote he or she crafted over years of exploration and learning.
Maybe it’s an engaging passage from your holy texts.
Maybe it’s a replied text from a friend who knows you well.
The benefits of committing a meaningful-to-you proverb to memory are plenty! Recalling a specific line allows us to express our values to ourselves and others. It allows us to discern our truth, like a litmus test, in difficult situations. It directs and allows us to better discern our the next step or decision.
Additionally, memorizing important words in the present guides our future. Like we love to quote around here:
“Our thoughts become our words, our words become our actions, our actions become our habits, our habits become our character, and our character becomes our destiny.” -Lao Tzu
Oh wait, did you catch that? Even Cultivate Life Coaching has a memorized mantra!
Okay, so what are you thinking? Has anything come to mind? If so, write it down! If not, here’s 3 of mine to give you inspiration. As always, you can borrow mine to get started. But your life is not my life, so I encourage you to find your own mantras that fit snuggly between your values and who you’re becoming.
If you can do it in under 1 minute, just do it.
— Gretchen Rubin, The Happiness Project.
Okay, this is not a direct quote from her, but it basically is. Learning the “Under a Minute” rule truly changes the way I go about my day. The premise: if something takes less than a minute to do, go ahead and do it now. Incorporating this rule helps me tackle what’s at hand because the little things are already done! And because we know how motivation works with small, simple steps, it fuels me to get the rest done too! Find out more here.
When Does This Come to Play:
-When I’m tempted to leave my wet towel on the floor. Or coat off the hook. Or dish in sink…
-When there’s an email or text I’m not sending—for whatever reason.
-Mobile banking—especially paying off my credit card or add to my budget.
-Being present, patient, or kind to others, it usually takes under a minute & gives me a boost.
But there is no “enough” and no “too much”
— Ben Rector, Making Money
“Making money, It isn’t easy, and it sure won’t make you happy” This song zaps me back into considering my real priorities and asking myself what I’m working towards. It helps me shrug off the “You have to keep going and building and expanding'“ BS society feeds us. It reminds me that I get to define what “enough” is for myself. It’s only then that I can find contentedness in myself and this beautiful life I have.
When Does This Come Into Play:
-When comparison comes to steal my joy and relationships
-When I decide to habitually not check my email on the weekend
-When I say ‘no’ to something shiny that distracts me from my goals or values
-When I choose not to feel shame for not working “harder, longer, faster…”
-When I’m tempted to believe my worth or purpose is determined by the size of my paycheck
-When I’m tempted to believe my worth or purpose is determined by my possessions or waist or charcuterie board (I call these the “Pinterest Lies”)
-When my values on minimalism are being shouted over by the seasonal section of Home Good
(For the record, I also have several mantras about minimalism from “Goodbye, Things” but I’m sticking to a one mantra per section vibe here and that would only screw it up. You understand. Definitely check out this book too (from your local library))
I want my everyday to make God belly laugh, glad that he gave life to someone who loves the gift.
— Shauna Niequist, Cold Tangerines
This entire chapter entitled “Cold Tangerines” in the book with the same name waves its arms welcoming each and every one of us turn our mundane days into the most precious, enchanted gifts. To say this book changed my perspective on life would be an understatement…and yet, I’m still working each and every day to enjoy, to delight, to taste, to see, and to earn my laugh lines.
When Does This Come Into Play:
-When the laundry pile is large and there’s muddy paw prints, and I open my home for a dinner party anyway
-When I put on my sparkly shoes on days I know are going to be hard
-When I pour a glass of red wine & sit by the fire with friends & forget about tomorrow’s alarm
-When I look for ways to speak truth and love and come alongside others
-When I pause and allow myself to be present, to be still, to be silent
-When I play and allow myself to be wild, to be silly, to be loud