Spring Cleaning Your Yearly Goals
Spring is finally here! There is something about this season that pulls me outside and makes me want to get dirt all over my hands as I start this year’s garden. Spring also creates an instinctive urge in me to start cleaning everything. I want to get rid of all the clutter, everything that is no longer needed, and dust all the things I love. There is nothing like a change in temperature to motivate us to do work!
It’s almost like a mental cleanse when we physically change our surroundings as the outside world begins to change too.
And, it is also a great time to start spring cleaning our yearly goals and clear the clutter from our mind! Now that we have survived the colder months, we have a clearer picture of how our goals fit into 2019 and where our motivation is blooming & lacking.
It is totally time to dust off our goals & revisit them to make sure we are still on track. We can even get rid of the goals we thought we’d need, but as it turns out, they are just taking up space.
So today I hope to answer some of your spring cleaning questions concerning yearly goals.
What do you do with the goals you don’t hit every month?
Like everything, some goals are very seasonal. One of my clients wants to learn to snowboard this year, and unless she watches training videos in July, it totally makes sense that she will push that to the side until the weather turns once again. It is totally okay to have goals for specific months or times throughout the year. Remember, there are no rules to follow when it comes to goal setting—you’ll have the most success if you do what works best for you! If something doesn’t make sense as a yearly goal, break it down into a smaller monthly or even weekly goal.
Why are my goals not getting done?
If we haven’t made progress on a goal, we have to be honest with ourselves when we ask why. Goals can remain incomplete for many reasons.
So, with each of your goals ask yourself: Have I made progress?
YES! I FINISHED! Then ask yourself: What else do you want to cultivate this year? Is there a next step? Are you completely satisfied with your success and ready to move on? Create a new goal or push further in this completed goal.
YES! I made some progress! Great, now ask yourself: How can I re-boost my motivation? Is there a physical reward I can offer myself for making more progress? Do I need to re-work how I plan to accomplish this goal? Do I need to make the goal clearer and redefine what I want to do? What is the next logical step to take? How can I visualize what success will look like over the next 4 months? How can I track my progress?
NO! I haven’t/barely started. First, take a moment and give yourself grace. You can start today. Begin simply by being 100% honest with yourself and ask: Is this goal still important?
No, it is no longer important. Sometimes circumstances can change. If this goal is no longer important to you, let it go. Clear your mind. Move on.
Yes, it is still important. If it is still your goal for this year, what has been preventing your progress?
Are you lacking a resource to make it happen? How can you re-work this goal so you can be successful? What resources do you have?
Did you simple forget it was a goal of yours? How can you remind yourself to take action? What can you do this week to make progress? Who can you ask or what resources do you have to hold you accountable?
Has fear of failure, fear of expressing what you want, fear of exploring a dream, or fear of letting others down kept your from success? How can you speak TRUTH into your fear and overcome this obstacle?
Are you still not sure what is preventing you from making progress on this goal? Double check with yourself: Is this a goal I have because I need or desire to complete it? Or did I make this a goal because I feel like I should do it? Does this goal serve me and who I want to become?
How can I remind myself of the goals I keep forgetting I made?
Keep your goals handy! Make sure you are seeing them & intentionally reading them every day. It is a good practice to read them before you start or end the day.
Don’t just keep them handy—also remind yourself of your why each time you read your goal! A positive mindset and daily motivation propel your progress forward.
As always, no matter the season, it is vital for us to remember that any progress towards our goals is a success! Do not be afraid to celebrate the little victories—it is important for to gain self-trust and believe that we are able to do what we set our minds too.
If you loved this post, but feel like you still need some more clarity and accountability—let’s set up a coaching call today! It is never too late in the year to get started on cultivating the life you desire!