At Cultivate Life Coaching, we rebel against the mediocrity of life by embracing our authentic selves and creating intentional rhythms and routines that feel like home.
At Cultivate Life Coaching, we rebel against the mediocrity of life by embracing our authentic selves and creating intentional rhythms and routines that feel like home.
Do you feel like you’re always stuck in second gear? You are working hard at your job, relationships, and health. You have mastered “adulting” and getting the laundry out of the washer before the mildew soaks in…most days. You’re on top of things. But at the end of the day, it feels like you’ve lost yourself along the way. These days life feels more mundane than glorious. Life feels filled up, rather than full.
You’re not alone. At Cultivate Life Coaching, I walk alongside women just like yourself and identify ways to live authentically in the midst of your everyday life by creating intentional rhythms and routines that feel like home.
Coaching is a growth-centered relationship with defined expectations of making life changes! Totally based on the idea that you already have the answers you’re looking for and the resources you need, a coach helps draw out your intuition & serves as an accountability partner as you take inventory of your life and find new ways to live it.
Coaching with Cultivate is designed to fit your schedule & life. Together we will create weekly habits and routines that result in you becoming more, rather than doing more.
If you are seeking realness, joy, peace, and purpose in your day to day, welcome home. If you are holding all the balls in the air, but are longing for centeredness and grace, coaching is for you.
Cultivate Life Coaching serves women who want more out of their daily lives without adding more things to do. Women who desire to be their genuine selves, not apart from the “to do” list, but within all the spaces & places they fill. Women seeking to add intentional thought to the rhythm and current of their schedule, so they have more room to appreciate the gift of life they’ve been given.
Aside from fish tacos, I believe one of the most marvelous gifts we all have is the use of words. Strung together in little sentences, words have immense power to change mindsets, and therefore, lives.
I dabble with the putting of the words into the sentences thing. I believe it is called writing? If you believe in magic or divine intervention, the plan is for the words on this website to prove to be life altering for you as you apply the techniques, adopt new mindsets, laugh at my personal stories, and incorporate intentionality in your own life.
Cecelia Reilly, CPLC
I help women create truly radiant lives though cultivating intentional habits and rhythms in their day to day.
The clarify, confidence & accountability through coaching changed the trajectory of my story! In my own life, I’ve been able to identify my purpose statement, strengthen my underutilized gifts, and make sure I was creating meaning in all of my days– and I’m excited to share my secrets and methods so you can too!
— Shauna Niequist, Cold Tangerines
Rad People Saying Rad Things
See for yourself how Cultivate Life Coaching has walked alongside leaders as they find clarity, purpose, and the next right steps for their lives.